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18 0피로감·자영업 피해로 정부 주저하는 사이 ‘방역 3대 지표’에 경고등 - 동아일보 2021-04-16 03:19:33
피로감·자영업 피해로 정부 주저하는 사이 ‘방역 3대 지표’에 경고등  동아일보Google 뉴스에서 전체 콘텐츠 보기
17 0오후 9시까지 서울 210명 신규확진…사흘 연속 200명대 - 매일경제 2021-04-16 03:19:33
오후 9시까지 서울 210명 신규확진…사흘 연속 200명대  매일경제
16 0文, 내달 하순 방미… 바이든과 첫 회담 - 조선일보 - 조선일보 2021-04-16 03:19:33
  1. 文, 내달 하순 방미… 바이든과 첫 회담 - 조선일보  조선일보
  2. 백악관 “바이든-文대통령, 5월 말 회담…철통같은 한미동맹 강조”  동아일보
  3. 문 대통령, 5월 하순 워싱턴에서 바이든과 첫 정상회담  한겨레
  4. 내달 후반 워싱턴서 文·바이든 정상회담  매일경제
  5. [속보]文대통령, 5월말 美서 한미정상회담 개최 확정  노컷뉴스
  6. Google 뉴스에서 전체 콘텐츠 보기
15 0공유차량 몰다 저수지에 추락...대학생 5명 숨져 - YTN 2021-04-16 03:19:33
  1. 공유차량 몰다 저수지에 추락...대학생 5명 숨져  YTN
  2. 논산 탑정호에 승용차 추락… 대학 선후배 5명 숨져 - 조선일보  조선일보
  3. 저수지로 렌터카 추락해 대학생 5명 사망...사고원인 조사중  경향신문
  4. 같은 학과 대학생들 탄 공유차, 저수지로 추락…5명 참변  SBS 뉴스
  5. [영상]논산 탑정저수지로 추락한 차량…대학생 추정 5명 숨져  노컷뉴스
  6. Google 뉴스에서 전체 콘텐츠 보기
14 0오후 9시까지 628명 확진…내일도 700명 안팎 예상 - 조선비즈 2021-04-16 03:19:33
오후 9시까지 628명 확진…내일도 700명 안팎 예상  조선비즈
13 0When posting surgery submission do provide pertinent informa… 2021-05-09 03:05:19

Please post commonly requested information as the point of this sub is to provide info and inform others making surgery decisions.

Common info includes:

  • Procedures done
  • Surgeon
  • Time post op
  • before size / photo and after same
  • Cost
  • other surgeons considered and thought process
  • After thoughts and ideas on best practices
  • Prep work for surgery
  • time on HRT

I’m sure our users can add more that they’d like to know off the bat

Remember - we are here to help and guide and the way for that is unbiased information and personal experiences

submitted by /u/SleepNowMyThrowaway
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12 0Sums up every month of my recovery. 2021-05-09 03:05:19
Sums up every month of my recovery. submitted by /u/becomingmale
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11 02 months post Op #1 with Dr Schaff 2021-05-09 03:05:19
submitted by /u/jde96
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10 0Over 1 year post op with Dr. Deschamps-Braly 2021-05-09 03:05:19
Over 1 year post op with Dr. Deschamps-Braly submitted by /u/somme_girl
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9 0Teenage SRS 2021-05-09 03:05:19

How young has anyone been for SRS? My almost 17 year old daughter wants bottom surgery... like, yesterday. The wait just to get in for a consult at OHSU is 10-12 months after letters are submitted. We’re starting the process because by the time any surgery happens she’ll definitely be over 18 and will hopefully have stabilized other areas of her mental health. She thinks she wants an orchi and a zero-depth vaginoplasty, as she’s a lesbian and doesn’t care about penetrative sex. But not too long ago she identified as pan, and to give up penetrative sex forever at 19-20 seems... premature. On the other hand, a full vaginoplasty is a LOT of work and risk for a young woman who will college-aged and honestly is flaky with self-care. But just getting the orchi and waiting a few years on the other can result in a loss of tissue to use for reconstruction, right? Does anyone have experience with SRS as a young woman? With waiting between an orchi and further SRS? She started a blocker at 14.5 y.o. and has already been on estrogen almost 1.5y. Haven’t seen everything down there recently but I’m guessing we started interventions early enough that things weren’t yet full-grown... which means less to work with anyway. How can we help her envision her future to define what she wants now as opposed to what she might want in the future? What kind of regrets do people have in choosing which surgery to have?

submitted by /u/jacquelandibis
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8 0When can i start to sleep on my sides again after a vaginopl… 2021-05-09 03:05:19

Being always on my back is starting to make me go crazy...

submitted by /u/Nekomimiee
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7 0Call for moderator applications 2024-02-05 13:01:14

r/Transgender_Surgeries is in need of more mods. It has been for a while, but its finally getting too much.

We're looking for a people who are

  • Responsible.
  • Varied active time zones.
  • No drama, no personal agendas.
  • Commitment to spending the effort here.
  • Subject knowledge is preferable, but not essential.
  • Experience with moderation on reddit is good, but not required.
  • The current mods are all MTF, and more diversity would be a good thing.
  • You need to be able to tolerate a fair bit of hate, chasers, etc, that you'd not normally be exposed to.

The majority of people on this sub use apps to view it, but it appears difficult to use the reddit app to moderate effectively on reddit (hence the recent protests). Personally I use a browser, so I'm unclear on just how bad it is, but using the reddit app may interfere with your ability to moderate.

If you're still interested, I made a previous post about how this sub is moderated. Please read it.

If you'd like to help moderate this sub and help the community here please volunteer by replying to this post, and if anyone has anything to say in favor of against please let it be known either in the comments, chat, DM's etc.

We're not sure how many new mods we'll add, but its likely to be a fair number and this post will stay up for a while.


Regarding commitment. More time commitment is better/easier for moderating the sub, otherwise we'll need more moderators, so there's some preference for that. However it's just one of the factors and will ultimately depend on who else volunteers.

We're planning on waiting a while before starting to add people to let as many people as possible to see this post and decide if they are interested, but it will likely stay open for much longer.

submitted by /u/HiddenStill
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6 0Are my breasts already cis-passing? I got approved for BA... 2024-02-05 13:01:14
submitted by /u/chairgirlhandsreborn
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5 0Day 4 post op! (Bluebond-lagner) 2024-02-05 13:01:14
submitted by /u/WeefBistle
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4 06 months post op grs with dr Klemenz Munich 2024-02-05 13:01:14

Had to deal with a lot of wound dehiscense so in stage 2 I’ll have a labiaplasty, what are ur guys’ opinion on her ?

submitted by /u/Old-Alternative4984
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